
Top 10 Microsoft Developer Links for the Week of October 13, 2014

dinsdag 21 oktober 2014

Visual Studio Blog: Visual Studio 2013 Update 4 RC now Available Visual Studio Blog: Mobile Apps for Web Developers Timo Bingmann: 15 Sorting Algorithms in 6 Minutes …and here they are slower, grouped and ordered .NET Web Development and Tools Blog: Announcing new Web Features in Visual Studio 2013 Update 4 RC Visual Studio Blog: Python Tools 2.1 for Visual Studio S.Somasegar: Chance to Connect(); on What’s Coming Next, November 12th and 13th Imaginet Blog: Work Smarter, Not Harder: How to Deliver Faster While Doing Less Work — PART 1 Tim Anderson: Xamarin Evolve: developers enjoy the buzz around cross-platform coding with C# Eric Lippert: Producing combinations, part one Greg Duncan: Look...

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